Saturday 18 December 2010

Stuff What Used to be on Telly - The Wire: FIrst Impressions

People have been on at me for quite a while about The Wire. While I never gave it a look when it was on between 2002 and 2008 it's started to seem more and more tempting ever since. Even Charlie Brooker said good things about it.

So I finally gave the first episode a chance and I'm glad that I did. It's fairly uninviting, you watch it because you want to watch it. You're thrown straight into the story, no messing about. While this is good it means that it takes a while to get to grips with the characters, something that's not made easier by the fact that there's a hell of a lot of them.

However the story is very engaging. From the off you're interested in what's going on and why. The fact that the series focuses on both the Cops and the Crims makes it even more interesting.

I'm still not convinced that this series is for me. I can see that it deserves the reputation that it has and it is a brilliantly written piece of TV, the lack of connection with any characters can alienate the viewer. There was the odd character or two moment but it seemed that they were forcefully tacked on to the end of the episode. I will however watch the rest of this series if nothing else as the story was intriguing and entertaining. Not to mention well written.

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